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HI all,

I’ll start off with a pic of Craig who usually misses out as we do this blog on Thursdays so it’s an oldie but shows him and good looking lettuce.

We have the last of the Bunya nuts at Eveleigh, turning out to be very popular with a few customers who have ‘discovered’ them and their wonderful flavour.

Plenty of Jap, Butternut and QLD blue  pumpkins and we are starting the Cimi di Rapa, an Italian delicacy — get there early, it will go fast.

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These bunches of rocket (below) are the best we have grown for ages.

The Navel oranges have started, great for eating and we will still have Valencias,  sweet as and the best this time of year for juice.

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AND don’t forget the Mandarins;  sweet, juicy, seedless – great for a refreshing snack.
