Hello Everyone
Back on deck for a New Year. We hope you enjoyed the celebrations you wanted to. Michael had a peaceful time watering and catching up on a lot of lost sleep! (The wasp stings controlled with phenergan in desperation!)
2017 weather has started with a challenge! The first week was good although not enough rain and now it is unspeakably hot. If I was a seedling out in this all day even with water on my roots, I’d want to die!
Unwatered weeds!
Lovely, lush produce!
However with good management, we do have good, fresh produce for you. There are loads of tomatoes and remember to get your basil to go with them. No more baby spinach but lots of other leafy greens. Bokchoy is crisp & crunchy, zucchini are growing triffid-like as you watch them and squash a gorgeous yellow!
These are left after picking as too misshapen. See how many leaves shrivel with the heat.
Benoir picking tomatoes.
There are lovely purple beans which you can eat raw (children love to snack on them) or just blanched quickly, when they go a bit greener. There’s purslane, massive, juicy, sweet watermelon and kale.
Have a cool week if you can and eat well!
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