G’day everyone, on monday i was listening to a weather report on the abc radio and they said an estimate of 50mm of rain by friday, i wasn’t looking forward to that but when we had 50mm by wednesday i knew we were in trouble. We are past saturation point and this is no good for anything.

Not all doom and gloom though, are beans have started, green beans will start at taylor sq sustainable market this week and purple king beans will start at everligh farmers market. Hopefully next week we will have enough to take some to each market. Also the garlic plats have been a huge success we have plated up some more so come and get them while they are there. We also will have our first gold beetroot for sale, come and get some and tell us what you think of it.

Plums aren’t far either, i saw the first box today, still hard, though when these ripen up yummy is the only word to describe them.

We look forward to seeing you at the markets tomorrow and hope there is no more rain.