G’day everyone, how has your week been, a bit slower this week getting things organised for spring cropping. I’m trying to make this a quick blog tonight as I’m a bit late, was trying to show Michael a quicker way of packing.
This week we have some radish bunches, they aren’t as big as we wanted but with all the rain they were starting to split so we have cut our losses and put more in a bunch.
We also have taken delivery of John Preistly’s oranges and mandarines. For those of you who don’t know John is a great grower who has won best citrus in Sydney markets, not a bad award to win when competing with conventional growers as well.
We will also have some Seville oranges for all of you who want to make your own marmalade.
The Meyer lemons are getting less and less so stock up if you like them.
Well that’s it tonight, I hope this gets out in time for the subscribers, and here’s hoping we have good weather and we will see you all tomorrow.
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