Hello Everyone
New growth is phenomenal – especially in the weeds! Today Yoon is picking mustard greens which come in the spicy salad mix and are delicious. Even if you are like me and don’t like mustard I find them just right in with the other salad. On the right, Yoon points out , is the red amaranth, looking really good. It goes in the Horta mix.
Craig is picking rocket and as he’s so tall he wasn’t in the picture so he laughed and said he’d get into a lower position! Serkan has just picked this green oak lettuce so make sure to get along to Taylor Square on Saturday to see the wide variety he & Josh have on sale & buy the produce that takes your fancy.
Milly is painstakingly searching for the baby spinach leaves among the regrowth. Very juicy and nutritious. Michael has picked the green amaranth that goes to Kylie Kwong. Behind him is a trellis of young beans & weedmat beyond ready for a new seedling bed.
This week is the last week for navel oranges but lots of santa rosa plums and narrabeen plums. who could wish for more! My favourites!
There are lebanese cucumbers, avocadoes (have you tried the healthy chocolate mousse you can make with them?), roma tomatoes and remember the duck eggs. Really good protein as well as being delicious.
Happy & healthy eating.
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