Hello Everyone

A few misty mornings this week, sometimes not clearing till 11.00am. Looks very picturesque but gets steamy later! Usually picking is finished by 9.30am so leaves are fresh and strong.

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Wild and ordinary rocket are looking and tasting good along with scotch & cavelo nero kale and leeks. Spinach and salads are in plentiful supply and the lettuces are looking just right. They’ll all be lush, full of flavour and rich in nutrients. Lots of snails had to be pulled off before washing and they know it’s just right for a good feed!

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Michael sneaked up and took photos this morning during picking. Claire is caught unawares but Yoon saw it coming!

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The great purple bean competition winner can now be announced! We have been picking heaps of beans, delicious, fresh and crunchy raw, delicious, fresh and magically green when cooked. So we announce that the winner is YOU! This is because there are so many beans that there will be plenty more for quite a while! Irresistible, boys too!

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Persimmons are delicious and there are two kinds that look identical so please ask the stall holders so you get the crunchy ripe ones or the soft ripe ones. Here’s a particular stall holder up the persimmon tree, taste testing. Ask the other stall holder what he thinks of him!

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Zucchini is plentiful and perfect to take up flavours in almost any savoury dish. I eat them grated raw in salad too.

Pumpkins always make me think of cooler weather and soup, such a welcome filling vegetable which is tasty and heaps of calcium too I think. Great vege for weaning babies!

We have butternut, jap, golden nugget and queensland blue all available. But do get to Eveleigh or Taylor Square Markets in good time on Saturday morning to get the choice.

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As you know, pumpkins spread around a bit. We rarely plant them, they just start off in a compost heap from thrown away seeds and just clamber out and take off!

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Have a healthy and tasty week.
