Hello Everyone,
Great week for weather with cool nights and sunny days with little wind – just the job.
During the week Pat came & turned the large compost heaps with his much bigger tractor than you see here which is ours he is using to finish off. The compost means there will be plenty of fertility for summer. This pile wont be ready for 4 to 6 months. Then it will go on the seedling beds.
Caroline, Louise, Flora and Steve were planting more seedlings of course this week.
Picking today was a delight because of the abundance of greens.
On Saturday morning at Carriage works market (formally Eveleigh) and Taylor Square in Sydney you will be able to get plenty of both wild & wide leaf rocket, red rib spinach, baby english spinach, cimi de rapa, russian kale, cavello nero, scotch and purple kale. Chick weed is abundant and Horta weeds mix, mustard leaves, mizuna and spicy mixes will be all there.
The cool nights and sunny days have brought out the flavour & colour of the citrus flesh.You’ll be able to buy pink grapefruit, navels, clementines, tangelos and delicious blood oranges. Also of course, blood orange juice. Mmmmmm!
Our 8 hectare (out of 18 hectares) hazard reduction burn was professionally conducted by the RFS on Sunday with great success. There was no wind and corridors were left for wildlife. The regrowth will be excellent as the fire will germinate seeds of indigenous plants that haven’t seen fire for more than the 28 years we have been here. Possibly 30 to 50 years!
Have a safe and happy week, with nutritious greens eating!
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