Hello Everyone
This sudden cold snap, ten degrees up here yesterday, after such hot weather, thirty two degrees earlier in the week, makes it difficult to know what the plants will do!
There’s plenty of salad mixes for the warm weather expected over the weekend. Here’s a photo of the calendula & plantain for the Horta.
There’s plenty of kale again, Tuscan, Russian and Scotch. Shelling peas are finished but you can buy snow peas, broad beans and there’s plenty of beetroot. Rainbow chard is plentiful and tastes like baby spinach but definitely looks exotic!
Marie is picking rocket and the spring onions in front will be ready in a month. Michael B is picking luscious baby spinach.
For citrus there are plenty of navels, Meyer lemons & sevilles. There’s tangellos, mandarins & Eureka lemons as usual. There are still some blood oranges and bergamots.
Rhubarb is really delicious on a hot day cooked with a little lemon & chilled & served with cream.
Mushrooms only at Taylor Square now, to be fair, so the mushroom grower at Eveleigh has no competition from us.
Have a good time at the markets!
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