
We have some special additions to our market stall this Saturday: corn salad or mache lettuce. We have been using some of the leaves in our salads recently, and after an enquiry by a customer last Saturday have decided to bring some along this week to try out.

Mache lettuce, or lamb lettuce is a great variation on your regular salad greens, but much more than taste and variety alone, it’s incredibly healthy: “high in folate, vitamin C, A, K. Iron, fiber and more. It has a tender nutty flavour that most kids and adults love”. There is some good information available online which I can save you the trouble of finding yourself: some great recipes here, and from the same site, a bit more information.

Other market news: the heat has gotten to the bok choi and all we’ll have is a couple of heads and some very young shoots. There will be some good tat soi however, and if we’re lucky, some cauliflower heads too (if our neighbour is able to get some to us in time!). We will have some endive heads (which Michael informs me are Rhodes but I can’t find much about them – ask him in person tomorrow!)



We brought along some dandelion leaves (or red-ribbed chicory as they are otherwise known). They were also in the weeds special in the Good Living article that featured Michael last week. Unfortunately the nettles are almost done for the season but the chicory should be around a while longer.