Hello Everyone

Very wet picking this morning! Last of the unloading of the ute at 9.30am and then tipping water out of gumboots, getting on dry clothes and a quick hot cup of tea and into washing and packaging.

DSCF0416    No sun to take photos with!

Serkan & Josh still just good friends! Pete and Josh washing rocket. Especially when there is rain the dirt splashes up onto the leaves, so the salad would be very gritty with out a wash. I even wash it again before I eat it as it’s difficult on a day like this to get it completely soil-free.

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Baby spinach is going well  this week, as it is really back up to scratch. (The flash has made it look a funny colour but it really looks lush.)

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The limes are great, remember to get some at Eveleigh or Taylor Square Markets this Saturday morning in Sydney or come up to Mangrove Mountain Country Markets on Sunday morning (corner of Wisemans Ferry Rd and Waratah Rd 2250).

These are THE PURPLE BEANS from the great bean growing competition between Serkan & Josh. Buy some and see if you can taste the difference. Don’t they look magnificent? Young & tender & juicy.

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Here we have lemon apple cucumbers. Delicious and something I had never seen or tasted till I came to Australia in 1986. Claire has just started washing chard for the mesclun mix.DSCF0439  DSCF0433

See what I mean about the rain splashing up soil? The capsicum and zucchini will be washed for you but you can see how they are when freshly picked. Don’t the capsicum look glorious(sorry that’s the artist in me getting carried away!)

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Mustard greens ready for the mustard mix and purslane, a brilliant plant for the omega oils and also tastes sort of lemony/tangy. I love it.

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Hope the week is happy & healthy
